Posted: October 29, 2013 in 1.1 Creating, 1.2 Using, 1.3 Assessing/Evaluating, 1.5 Ethics, 3.1 Creating, 3.2 Using

EDUC 763 Home page

Course info

The syllabus is my contract with my students

Instructor Information  

Instructor Name:

Noura Saad
Skype me on: Tadreesna
Join my network in Linkedin or Twitter
Part 1: Course Description
This course will introduce instructors to ways that will help them to create an online course store, using online collaborative discussion, available web2 tools, online reasources and other reading materials, the instructors will learn different paths to apply what they have absorbed.
·         Past experience in teaching
·         Ability to recognize and investigate different learning style for students
 Textbook & Course Materials
Required Text
·         There will be different links to reading materials, videos and SlideShares.
·         Other additional resources will also be available
Course Requirements
·         Internet connection
·         Previous knowledge and usage of Google+ Hangout and Dropbox  
Course Structure
This course will be delivered entirely online through my blog; you will have online lessons, course materials, and resources. At designated times throughout the course; we will participate in a blend of self-paced and group-paced activities using OnlineInstructor Group community and Google+ Hangout. Activities will consist of creating syllabus, learning guide, discussion forums, creating your own online course objects, import internet resources, email, switching feedback, Diigo collaboration in online for educators group and webhosting.
Important Note: This syllabus, along with course assignments and resources, are subject to change. It is the student’s responsibility to check for corrections or updates to the syllabus. Any changes will be clearly noted through email notification.
Part 2: Modules Learning Objectives
Module 1: Getting started for online course
Course Objectives
·         Analyze why should you be an online instructor now
·         Define what is an online course?
·         Identify why should you have an online course?
·         Create your own competency check list  before starting your journey as an online instructor
Module 2: Plan your course
Course Objectives
·         Know what is smart planning and what value you will get by using it?
·         Illustrate your objectives, activities and rubric that you will be using in your course
·         Generate a plan on how are you going to organize your offline content
·         Assemble your syllabus and learning guide
Module 3: Build your course
Course Objectives
·         Identify what do you need to create your own engaging multimedia course
·         Choose related multimedia objects in to your online course
·         Develop your own multimedia course content
·         Assemble your own multimedia online course
Module 4: Publish your course
Course Objectives
·         Identify best free/paid hosting places to publish your course
·         Use one hosting place  and list reasons for that
·         Examine  your online course after being online with collected feedback
You will meet the objectives listed above through a combination of the following activities in this course:
·         Reading provided materials and make your own research
·         Participation
·         Completion of assigned homework’s for the final project
Part 3: Grading Policy
Points                       Description
40                             Participation in Discussion and Hangouts
50                            Delivering assignments
60                            Final project
150                          Total Points Possible
Final grades assigned for this course will be based on the percentage of total points earned and are assigned as follows:
 Letter Grade     Percentage                     Performance
A                             93-100%                           Excellent Work
A-                           90-92%                             Nearly Excellent Work
B+                           87-89%                              Very Good Work
B                             83-86%                              Good Work
B-                           80-82%                               Mostly Good Work
C+                          77-79%                             Above Average Work
C                            73-76%                             Average Work
C-                          70-72%                              Mostly Average Work
D+                          67-69%                             Below Average Work
D                            60-66%                            Poor Work
F                              0-59%                              Failing Work
Late Work Policy
Be sure to pay close attention to deadlines—there will be no makeup assignments, although it’s a free optional course your duty is to stick with the assigned deadline dates that will be sent to you via email with the Calender of this course before it starts. You can also find the syllabus of the course provided on the blog when the course strarts.
Build Rapport
If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the course, make sure you let me know as early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and effective relationships are key to becoming an effective professional. Make sure that you are proactive in informing me when difficulties arise during the course so that I can help you find a solution.
Complete Assignments
All assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through Dropbox and email, unless otherwise instructed.
Commit to Integrity
As a student in this course you are expected to maintain high degrees of professionalism, commitment to active learning and participation in this class and also integrity in your behavior in and out of the classroom.


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