Posted: October 29, 2013 in 3.4 Managing, 3.6 Diversity of Learners
Form 3b:  New Course Thoughts
Designing an online course need a lot of thinking and it all starts by knowing
who need your course? and what do you know about him?

Description: What will this course be about? Where/how will it be taught?

This instructional designing project “Create your online courses store” will be offered Asynchronous online and free for instructors who wish to establish their online courses store. The course focus is to encourage instructors to use and integrate technology in their daily work. Four modules will introduce the instructor in to different areas they should master starting with online course definition and end up creating an online courses store.

Instructors will research, collaborate, create items and evaluate each other using feedback as an assessment tool in their final projects.

Learners: Who are the learners? What do you know about them that might make a difference in what you design?  (Think about age, prior knowledge, familiarity with technology)

Traditional instructors at the age of 25 with fair technology background and are willing to do what it takes to learn new technologies plus the passion to transfer their offline content to online environment; however, they don’t know where to start this process. In addition to, these are qualified instructors with high-level knowledge about setting objectives.

Things that you want to accentuate in my course. This can be related to what or how you teach, how students respond, or about the technology.  What do you want to see happen in this course?

The main focus in this course is not only introducing instructors to new technologies available on the internet, but I want the learners/instructors to use it and apply it. There will be Online Instructor Group community in Google+ that gather all instructors who are taking the course to discuss their problems as they progress through the course modules.
This course will focus on using live and asynchronous feedback among all instructors using the rubric. At the end of the course each instructor should have at least one online course live and assessed.

Problems that you’d like to avoid in my course. Based on past experience, what would you predict will drag you down?  It could be technology, disinterested students, lack of discussion, etc.

1-It’s not easy to focus only on what I want to deliver, usually I tend to provide extensive information that I’m afraid to (will) distract the instructor on his first step to be an online instructor, so I have to focus on providing basic information that will do the job and leave extra information for the instructor to curate.
2- Lack of discussion by the students/learners will have a negative impact, because the feedback provides an essential element where students reached in their learning process or what problems they faced, but never mentioned (noted).

What might be the most problematic aspect of this course as you teach it? 

1-     Lack of commitment from instructors to finish their activities, as this is a free optional course not assigned by their administration, so am depending on their personal motivation factor.
2-     Lose learner engagement with the course material, I tried to meet different learning style by using different resources with different format chunked in to small pieces, but still I have my concerns.
3-     Technology usage resistance from the instructors and fear is also a challenge; this will drop down the motivational factor inside them which might lead to leaving the whole process and continue teaching the same way they used to.

The most time consuming aspect of this course as you teach it will be:

1-Lot s of online educational resources (content, software and objects) is a big distraction for me to start creating the course, and update all its parts if needed as we proceed.
2- Curating the best educational resources that will be offered to the instructor, as I need to investigate, read and try out different software and links regularly.
3-Review learner work and follow their thoughts and questions in the discussion forum.

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