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This week was my group turn to lead  a discussion in EdTech 503 forum. In a collaborative environment I have worked with my colleagues Kelly  & Lisa  to discuss ideas and develop a professional presentation that reflect our analysis of three instructional designing case studies taken from The ID CaseBook: Case Studies in Instructional Design (4th Edition). Our main task was to find possible solutions for the three cases and then discuss them with the rest of the classmates. Our responsibility as a leading group required that the three of us must lead the discussion among all  classmates by replying to their’ initial answers for one week and closing the discussion .

edtech503 discussion

Online forums with strict rubric is a helpful tool to initiate learners critical thinking-Click on image for full view

Dr. Jesús Trespalacios guided us on how to analyze the cases and gave us an outlines taken from  his research on Ertmer et al. (2009) method who recommended the following checklist in order to prepare an analysis :

  • We needed to use our own style in choosing words
  • Focus on the “big picture” rather than surface details
  • Make assumptions about missing information
  • Focus on root causes rather than quick fixes
  • Consider the core issues (those that are most central to our understanding of the situation
  • Consider the critical issues (those that are likely to have the greatest impact on a successful resolution)
  • If we  identify multiple issues, we needed to think about how those issues fit together
  • Thinking about where the issues we have identified fit within the instructional design theory (We were asked to use Larson & Lockee’ textbook as the main reference-  Streamline ID: A practical Guide to Instructional Design )

The above description was taken from the leading discussion activity . Below you can find my discussion with my classmates Lisa & Kelly uploaded to YouTube and you can also find it in Google driver here

Kelly discussed case 6: Evaluating the impact of K-12 laptop, her presentation starts at 0:50 m – 8:30 m

Lisa discussed case 8: Evaluating a federally funded faculty training, her presentation  starts at 8:30 m – 16:30 m

Noura (which is me :-)) discussed case 20: Cross-Cultural challenges in designing, my presentation starts at 16:30 m – 25:20 m

I hope that you have enjoyed my group presentation. In the past few months I also had the chance to analyze many ID cases from ID CaseBook: Case Studies in Instructional Design (4th Edition), below you can find the major ID cases I analyzed with the EdTech 503 community in our public forum

  1. Case 1 : Designing Learning Objects for Primary Learners – Scott Allen
  2. Case 2 : Implementing Gaming Technologies in Traditional K-12 Contexts – Michael Bishop
  3. Case 7 : Implementing New Instructional Approaches in a K-12 Setting – Maya Thomas
  4. Case 13 : Piloting Case-based Learning in a Blended Learning Nursing Curriculum – Lindsey Jenkins

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