m-Learning Web Page

Posted: March 10, 2015 in 1.1 Creating, 1.2 Using, 2.1 Creating, 3.5 Ethics

EdTech 502 Home Page

In this week project I have created a mobile activity on breaking habits using Dreamweaver’s Fluid Grid layout to create friendly webpage that can be accessed across various screen sizes. The project aimed to create an instructional activity that uses mobile devices.

Major topics that I have learned and applied in my project:

• Learned the concept of Responsive Web Design (RWD) and applied related techniques to create a small mobile learning project. The web page opened from a mobile device with Web access. This activity helps to facilitate informal or formal learning anywhere anytime
• Created styles for tablets and smartphone devices
• Created a layout with 4 and 3 column which was able to respond to different screen sizes

Click on the image to view my m-learning activity online

Click on the image to view my m-learning activity online

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