Virtual Field Trip web site – Turkey Unlimited

Posted: March 29, 2015 in 1.1 Creating, 1.2 Using, 2.1 Creating, 3.1 Creating, 3.2 Using, 3.5 Ethics

EdTech 502 Home Page

This week assignment in EdTech 502 we had to create a multi-page instructional website, the web pages should be linked together with a navigation menu. The website should host guided tour to a virtual destination. I chose to take my learners in a virtual tour to Turkey which was one of the best places I had the chance to visit in 2013. I enjoyed each part of this assignment, because we had the chance to implement almost everything we’ve learned so far about HTML5, CSS3 and Dreamweaver. In addition we had to implement multimedia resources over the internet (audios files, images, videos) to enhance the virtual field trip experience and bring it alive to learners. We had to include educational activities and questions for the student to make it more engaging.

This week’s assignment was a very enjoyable experience, because I felt that I was really creative in using all the knowledge I’ve acquired over the past few months. One of the best elements that I enjoyed preparing was the interactive Google map, manipulating my images properties in Fireworks and audio file.

Below is a screenshot of my website

Click on the image to view vtour to Turkey online

Click on the image to view vtour to Turkey online

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