Archive for the ‘2.5 Ethics’ Category

EdTech 502 Home Page

This week project aimed to help us explore the topics of copyright, fair use and plagiarism. In general these are familiar topics for me. We had to dig deep in one area of our choice to create an instructional educational web page about the topic, then create sample activity with 10 or more questions that can be answered using the website(s) we provide in the activity in word or Google document. The answer key of this activity should be included in new webpage that should be linked to the main project page, this is called relative link. After I have completed my search on Copyright Pitfalls Web Developers should know about (below you can find screen shot for my linked website as well), I chose 3 main points I found them very essential to understand. Then I had to include all the information in 2 web pages and one documents. For this project I decided to extend my coding skills by creating tiny website with advanced coding items that I’ve never tried in any of my previous projects and not required in our project as well, for example:

  •  I succeeded in creating website with full width header & footer with centered floating elements
  •  Created horizontal navigation menu for 2 webpages (one for sample activity questions and one for the answer key)
  •  Created my online Google form for my sample activity questions instead of attaching word document, then I have embedded this online form in new webpage and linked it to the main page
  •  Used iframe tag to embed full external website
  •  Embedded YouTube video
  •  Modified 3 pictures from public domains and placed them in image placeholder
  •  Embedded 2 different open source google fonts for my heading and body

It was very interesting journey with lots of stumbles and errors, but I must say that at the end I’m very proud about my final tiny website with all its features.

As always looking for my next project!


EdTech 502 Home Page

This week project was about creating information page with hot links to resources on the topic of web accessibility.The web page should be compliance with the two sets of standards that are commonly used to guide accessible website design:

Developers duty

Developers duty- click on the image

WCAG and Section 508 (a summary for these rules can be found in WebAIM) . I started my research early this week to investigate the major aspects of this topic and collect information page with links to resources & tools that are found on the Internet for web developers. In the process of creating my web page using HML5 & CSS I was confused about the color that I need to implement, having personal taste shouldn’t be used if it violated the principles that will enable people with disabilities access your information. In fact I found out that following the guidelines when creating accessible webpage will make it standout from the crowed. We should always remember that we are not alone in the internet .

In this project I was trying to implement much of what I have learned so far in EdTecH 502 and follow accessibility guideline and I must say it wasn’t easy at all, because at each step I was thinking about WCAG & 508 rules and checking each element to see if it violated a principle. It was long enjoyable journey that I intend to make it a habit for me when creating future webpages.

Below you can find my Accessibility Hot link page. I have created

  • Navigation bar with hover effect for the background
  • Floating elements
  • Hoover effects for active, visited, focus, hover, links
  • Created Anchor links inside the page and to other resources in the internet
  • Created my header and image quote

Once again looking for next week assignment!

Click on the image to view the page online

Click on the image to view the page online