EdTech 503: Instructional Design

Instructional Design

Instructor : Jesús Trespalacios, PhD

Semester : Fall 2014

Grade : A+

Course syllabus

Course description

The overall goal for the course is for each student to consider and use the systematic process of instructional design to create an instructional product. To achieve this goal, students will engage in activities that promote reflective practice, apply instructional design models in realistic contexts, and employ a number of communications technologies.

EdTech 503 major assignments

  1. ID Job Description
  2. Sample Discussions 1
  3. Sample Discussion 2
  4. Sample Discussion 3
  5. Leading discussion
  6. ID Final Project. Standards: Standard 1(content knowledge), Standard 2 (content pedagogy), Standards 3 (learning environment)

Dr.Jesus constructive feedback on my final project

Very comprehensive evaluation plan. In the learner section, you might consider having multiple options or a scale of agreement for each question. It would have been good to include more open-ended questions in the survey, and report the SME’s comments in a narrative format. Reflective synthesis paper contains thoughtful analysis of metaphor and class experiences. Although examples from projects #1 and #2 were included, it would have been good to develop these in more detail….. Jesús Trespalacios

My Personal Reflection on EdTech 503                                                                                                                                                                                                

Noura water

Designing instruction for me was like designing my business plan. I found out that there were many similarities between them. I also found out that a business plan could success or fail due to the same reasons an instructional project had. Both aims to produce an end product for certain customers. Both starts with a need to be met and a continuous evaluation for the process to make improvement for the final product. Both are affected by any change that could occur to any internal element

I wish I had taken EdTech 503 before I create my business plan and update for three times without knowing what was wrong or missing, but now I know quite well. I had an ill structured problems in my first and second business plans. In my first business plan, I failed in creating a smart goal, so I didn’t knew which road should I take and this lead me to many stumbles. I was focusing on my project constrains, budget and finding appropriate human resources, but now after EdTech 503, I learned that specifying the goal of a product should be my starting point in any project in my life, not only my business plan. In my second business plan, the problem was identified, but some of its elements were unknown and others weren’t analyzed enough the way I learned in Edtech 503 and this lead to incomplete product that didn’t met my customer need.

Report # 1 taught me that meeting a learner or customer need does not guarantee the success of your product, it’s a whole package you need to think about. At each stage you need to identify and analyze the required elements that will contribute in the success of the final product. Learners or customers need should be analyzed, their characteristics should be identified and the context of your product should be investigated.

Report # 2 helped me to identify all tools that I will need to create and market my final product. I learned how to create and analyze my product components (content, activities), how my product can be used (technology tools), how to create user manual (instructor guide), how to market for my product and encourage my customer to buy in (learning objectives, scaffolding strategies, ARCS model) and I learned how can I approach my customer to sell my product (theories, interaction)

Report # 3 helped me to learn that I need to identify how my product will enhance my customer performance or life quality, it make no sense to claim that I have succeed in solving my customer pain (need), because they are using my product. A clear evidence should be documented to proof this claim, this can be achieved by complete evaluation plan that starts by collecting my customer reaction upon using my products and the context it was used in. The evaluation process never ends with ROI or other, the evaluation of my product competency should never be continuous in all aspects

The process of designing instruction in EdTech 503 taught me to organize my thinking and planning when I want to achieve my ultimate goal. The knowledge and skills I gained in this course can’t be summarized in one page, but I’m quite sure that it will help me in completing my assignments and projects in EdTech program. In my work I will use what I have learned to re-evaluate my business plan once again to investigate the elements I have missed, because I underestimated their importance and now I knew I was wrong.


Larson, M. B., & Lockee, B.B. (2014). Streamlined ID: A practical guide to instructional design. (Chapter 1, p. 6). New York: Routledge.

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